We have the privilege of having Mbonisi Malaba as our key note speaker for our next Business Co. Event happening on Friday 7 June at 7.30am at CHS Life Centre. Mbonisi is a dedicated orthopaedic and limb reconstruction surgeon based in Nairobi, where he also pastors a church. Mbonisi has a passion for democratising limb reconstruction worldwide, with his commitment to excellence having taken him to prestigious fellowships in the UK and Africa. He is drawn to blending vocation and calling, having previously planted churches in Zimbabwe.


Our next DNA night is happening on Monday 27 May. As Christ followers we are part of God’s global church family. We also believe that the Scriptures clearly teach that God’s desire for every Christ follower is to give expression to this through formal membership of a local church. With that in mind we would like to invite you to a DNA journey. On this evening you will find out why we believe formalising membership of a local church is so important. Your DNA is the essence of who you are and so this evening is designed to help you understand who we are as a local church family.


Arrr, me hearties!

Set yer sails and mark yer maps! From the 17th to the 19th o' June, our TREASURE Holiday Club at Constantiaberg be callin' all young buccaneers from Grade R to Grade 6!

Three days o' adventure await, with tales from the Bible and treasures to uncover.

Don't be a landlubber, sign up now before the tide washes yer chance away!

Aye, click the link below to register to join the crew!